
Air CSS ver. 2.3.2

Air is a minimalist class-based CSS framework to rapidly build anything from simple web pages to a full-featured application. All of this directly in your HTML.

To ease its use, class names are built around a mnemonic base indicating the property they alter and, if necessary, additional modifiers indicating the values and behavioral modifications to apply.

Donwload CSS:

Minified < 7 kB (gzip) Standard 65 kB

Install with npm:

npm install @aircss/air


Classes provided by Air have a very low specificity and are used to set predefined values to carefully chosen CSS properties. No class should override your existing styles. Each class belongs to a family of properties among the following: typography, layout and theming.

Air is mobile-first and offers the possibility to target larger breakpoints with the help of optional modifiers for select classes in typography and layout property families.

A ready-to-use color palette comes with Air so you can start using it straight away. However, it's very easy to customize Air with your own colors if you want to do so.
